Current drops







Item Drop Chance
The Cactus 90%
Catctus 75% - Does not drop anymore
Fanctus 70% - Does not drop anymore
Alpha Cactus 40% - Does not drop anymore
ScanCtus 25% - Does not drop anymore
Cactvocado 75%
Cactaco 65%
Miiractus 75%
Cacthulu Buy in game only in Halloween Event
Pumpcacti Buy in game only in Halloween Event

NOTE: Based on how many waterings you did in the game the drop chance for higher rarity items is increased.

How To Obtain cacti ?

You first have to water your cacti and a timer will start. If you have one cactus then the timer will be at 4 hours. After the 4 hours a chest will appear and you will have to break it using your dragon and left mouse button to break the chest. After you break the chest you will get your cactus.

How do i plant more cacti in-game?

After your first 10 waterings you will automatically get your second cactus. By earning more cactus in game means that it reduces the intervals between the drops timer. E.g with one cactus the timer is at 4 hours, with 2 cactus the timer is at 3 hours and 42 minutes etc..

Can i sell my cacti and where?

Yes you can if you wish to do so on the STEAM community market.

For any questions about drop chance or anything else you can join our Discord Server